Appium Tutorial

Appium Tutorial,appium is an open source Mobile Automation tool which is supports for Android Apps,IOS apps and Windows apps to prepare Mobile Automation Scripts using Selenium WebDriver,please read Selenium Tutorials for Real time Knowledge with examples.

What is appium?

1. Appium is an open source free Automation Mobile App Tool.
2. Automate Native apps, Hybrid  apps and Mobile Web browser Automation.
3. Drives Android , IOS and Windows based Apps.
With the help of WebDriver Protocol.
4. Appium is a Cross Platform ,you can write the test scripts against Multiple Platforms with the same API.

Mobile Apps?

1. Native Apps : Developed using IOS , Android & Windows SDK Platforms.
 Examples : Facebook , What’s Up , Times of India etc.
3. Hybrid Apps : Hybrid apps are part of Native Apps and Web Apps , it is a wrapper of web View .
4. Hybrid apps build wrapper for already developed Web Sites.
Example : Blogger
5. Web Apps : Works in Web Browsers and implemented by HTML 5 .

Supported Framework

1. iOS Platform : Apple’s UIAutomation
2. Android 4.2+ Platform : Google’s UiAutomator
3. Android 2.3+ Platform : Google’s Instrumentation - Selendroid
4. Windows: Microsoft’s WinAppDriver

System Requirements

1. JDK should be installed
3. Install Android SDK
4. Node JS
5. PDA .net for phone connectivity(in phone and Computer)
6. Emulators

Appium Limitations

1. Less than Android version 17 will not work
2. In IOS script will execution time is more.
3. Limit Supports for Gestures
4. Not supports for Toast Messages.

Supported Languages

1. Java
2. JavaScript
3. PHP
4. Python
5. Ruby
6. C#

Appium Topics

Lesson 1 - What Is appium 
Lesson 2 - Download And Install Android SDK In Windows 
Lesson 3 - Set Android Path Environment Variables In Windows 
Lesson 4 - Steps To Install ADT Plugin To Use SDK In Eclipse
Lesson 5 - Download And Install Appium In Windows
Lesson 6 - Locating App Elements Using UI Automator Viewer
Lesson 7 - Mobile App Element's XPath, ID, Name
Lesson 8 - Configure Project In Eclipse For Appium
Lesson 9 - Prepare Test Scripts - Android Automation Test Using Appium
Lesson 10 - How to Create An Android Virtual Device(Emulator)
Lesson 11 - Install/Uninstall Mobile App In Android Emulator
Lesson 12 - Selenium Grid Appium Configuration
Lesson 13 - Start Appium Service using Program

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